Thursday, June 18, 2015

Testing different Ad Networks for the Website

IntFit is free, and will always be. I stand to that.
But, hosting a website and keeping the app and the site up to date is expensive. So without money from the users, there had to be another source of income.

I chose to display two ad banners on the website to fund the servers and further development. One Banner on the right side, beneath the menu, and one banner under the maincontent.
And add banners on the first site in the Android App.

Now the search for a ad network suitable for IntFit began.

A network for the app was quickly found: Admob. The best alternative for Admob is Appbrain.
Both are easily implemented and have relatively good revenue.

Now a ad network for the website is needed.
Ad networks I looked into:
Adsense was eliminated because of it's network policies. It is not suitable for IntFit, since it is hard for a single person to moderate the complete IntFit community to fit googles standards.

Now I tested which of the remaining three networks is the best for the website. To test this, I evenly distributed the view to these networks on my site by ramdomly deciding which of the three is displayed to the user.


Qadabra did not fill a single view. Not much to say about that. I guess this network is going downhill.


Over the two days test period, RevenueHits had 4,470 Impressions, 11 clicks, a Click rate of 0.246%, and eCPM of $0.02 and a total income of $0.10.


Over the two days test period, ExoClick had 4,739 Impressions, a Click rate of 0.22%, and eCPM of 0.025€ and a total income of 0.12 €.


I will leave RevenueHits and ExoClick on the website, and remove Qadabra. Admob will be displayed in the mobile App.
These ads will not pay the bills in the near future, but it's better than nothing.

Do you know any other ad networks that are worth trying? Tell me about them. Contact me via the Contact Form, or write a comment.

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